5 results for tag: entrepreneur

New businesses coming

Ten new businesses are in the works from the latest batch of graduates of our Biznis Pam program.  Their start-ups will be funded by loans from Servants for Haiti using your donations.  Here is a sampling of a few of them: A young woman of 29 with a 2-year-old daughter will be selling clothes and cosmetic products. A 49-year-old woman with three children will market clothing and curtains, sheets, and tablecloths. One enterprising woman (40, with two children) will be offering building materials for sale.  Certainly her products will be in great demand in a nation in great need of housing. Another of our entrepreneurs is a young pregnant ...

Third Biznis Pam class wrapping up

The third session of our Biznis Pam program is wrapping up.  Graduation from this session was held on Friday, January 18, 2013.  Participants who have successfully and diligently completed all course work and have their business plans approved will receive their loans at the start of February. The ten students were chosen by the founder and administrator of Biznis Pam, Monite Métélus-Louis based on need.  Monite commented on this group, her largest class so far, as possessing a "good sense of responsibility." That attitude bodes well for their future success.  Once they have established their businesses and repaid their loans, the money ...

Biznis Progress

Back in November, our first Biznis Pam class graduated from entrepreneurial training.  We thought you might like to know how they're doing today. Monite, our field director and trainer, sent us an update this past week.  Here's the good news: Of the five people who attended the first class, four created business plans that were approved and funded with micro-loans.  (The fifth student didn't meet all class requirements.)  All four new businesses are in operation.  Here is Monite's report on the status of each: Three of the four new businesses are growing.  One of the ladies keeps thanking us for her  loan. Another, who has been ...

First Class!

The first group of students in our Biznis Pam program have graduated and we couldn't be more excited. Here's the proud class and their teacher, Monite (far right). The five students  gave uniformly positive evaluations of their learning experience.  Some of their feedback included the following comments: Thanks to this training I know and understand what business is.  Thanks a ton, Biznis Pam.  Because of you and your help my dream will come true. I love all days of the training.  Now I am ready to create and manage a business. I learned a lot of things from the interactions between us. Now I know more about business.  I know how ...

Meet Monite

Monite Métélus-Louis is SFH's "person on the ground" in Haiti.  She administers our micro-loan program, including training future business people who will be the recipients of those loans.  We describe her new enterprise, Biznis Pam, in another post. She's such a prize, however, we'd love you to get to know her.  Recently, SFH president Laurae Richards interviewed Monite.  Here's one excerpt. Come back later for more clips from this interview. (We apologize for the sound quality.  Haiti can be a noisy place!)