Business/ Micro Loan Program

The Biznis Pam Program is designed to teach Haitians how to run their own businesses and to provide financing for these entrepreneurs in the form of small loans. Servants for Haiti just completed its twelfth class, and has put 115 people through the program. Not all people decide to take the loan, some of our students want help running a business they have already started.

“I now can buy product and grow. This program helps me help others. And I can pay for school for one of my children”.

Mrs. Yevline

Biznis Pam class content:

  • Money management
  • Market reearch
  • Offering a valuable product
  • Attracting customers
  • Repaying loan while building inventory
  • Business ethics

If you are interested in sponsoring a student in our business program, please contact us. This is an important way for you to directly impact a family in Haiti.

The cost of a student enrolled in our business program:

Teaching – $100/per student
The loan – $500/per student
Follow-up – $250/per student