A Singularly Unique Fundraiser

SAM fundraiser

Some of the collected goods

The Single Again Ministry (SAM) of the Essex Alliance Church, Essex Junction, VT, (www.essexalliance.org) serves men and women who are single again through death, divorce or separation as well as those who have never been married.  Recently, they served a completely unique constituency.

Twice a month they host dinners with games at the Community Center at the church.  As part of those gatherings, they perform community service projects.  At a recent meeting, Kingdom Kids orphanage was the beneficiary of their generosity.  Everyone in attendance was asked to bring a toiletry item for the orphanage.  As an incentive, they displayed pictures of the children in the orphanage.

They collected an amazing array of items, from toothbrushes and toothpaste to Pampers and sippy cups.  Beyond those items, about $400 in cash was collected.  Everyone was so thrilled to be able to contribute, that they asked to do it again just a few months later!

Next time you have a get-together of any kind, why not follow SAM’s example?  Give a higher purpose to your gathering.  Let others experience the joy of helping children just as these folks did.  Contact us (info@servantsforhaiti) for assistance or ideas.  We can help you with background information, photos, and whatever else you need.

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