About Us
The founders of Servants for Haiti share a common bond. That bond is a belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ has blessed us beyond measure. We seek to serve Him as Servants for Haiti.
Over the last several years many of us visited Haiti for the first time. It changed everything. We saw the effects of extreme poverty. There is nothing romantic or noble about it. It’s ugly, it’s degrading and it destroys people, especially children. We want to do something about it, one child at a time. And you can help.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27
Haiti is a nation wracked by violence, environmentally devastated and in political turmoil. Its statistics are staggering:
* Average annual income: $400
* Literacy rate: 40%
* Infant mortality rate: 1 in 10
Who suffers most from Haiti’s problems? Tragically, it is those who are the most innocent: children. We have seen them, and we have touched them. We have had mothers offer us their children in hope of giving them a better life. We have seen the mud pies they must eat to fend off hunger pangs. Standing by while they die is not an option.
Servants for Haiti is committed to the long term health of the people of Haiti. While we perform short-term relief projects, such as home building, we also realize that relief is only part of the solution. The Haitian economy must become self-sustaining, providing employment to the citizens of the country.
Until that happens the people will remain reliant on foreign aid and organizations such as SFH. Our desire is to make SFH obsolete. We envision a nation that, through the entrepreneurial efforts of its hard-working and creative populace, has a solid economic base, no longer dependent on outside help.
We will accomplish this goal through a combination of business training, a micro-loan program, and scholarship assistance for high school graduates who want to continue their education into college, trade school, or apprenticeships.
Board of Directors:
* Laurae Richards – President
* Howard Richards – Vice President
* John Haven – Treasurer
* Natalie Decker – Secretary
* Andrew Davenport
For answers to other questions you may have about SFH, see our FAQ.
We are working on a new promotional brochure that you will be able to download and distribute. If you want a brochure, please come back to this page in the future or contact us today.