New Directions FAQ

These Frequently Asked Questions are regarding the new direction that SFH is taking in 2011.  The changes were introduced in a letter from SFH president Laurae Richards dated 12/26/2010.

Q. How was the decision arrived at to change the direction of SFH?
A. Individual board members had been sensing for some time a need to change how SFH serves the people of Haiti. Through further prayer and discussion, the board agreed unanimously that our methods had to change. Part of the motivation was the earthquake, but it’s likely we would have made these changes eventually anyway.

Q. When are these changes taking place?
A. We have already begun implementing a few of the new initiatives. As far as the old programs are concerned, as of 7/1/2011, they are officially managed  by a new organization, Haiti International Alliance (HIA).

Q. Does HIA have a web site that I can check out?
A. The HIA web site is currently under construction.  When it is up and running, we will post a link to it.

Q. What happens to all the children who are now being sponsored through Servants for Haiti today?
A. Every child at both Kingdom Kids Orphanage (KKO) and College Jean Rigaud Antoine (CJRA) will be sponsored through HIA, which was recently created by Rigaud Antoine.  The one message we want to make sure everyone understands is this: No Haitian children or adults will suffer or lose out in any way as a result of these changes. In fact, we believe our new efforts are the best way to help all Haitians in the long term.  SFH remains committed to the people of Haiti.

Q. I currently sponsor a child through SFH.  How will these changes affect my sponsorship?
A. Please read this letter to get complete details about the transition and your responsibility.

Q. How will you be addressing the massive homelessness problem in Haiti?
A. We have no illusions about making a big dent in the problem. We plan to address homelessness the same way we have addressed issues in the past, one step at a time. We can’t help everyone, but we can make a difference for one family, then another, then another, … We depend on your help in the future as we have in the past.

Q. I’d like more details on the new efforts you are beginning.
A. The new programs are now listed under the “Programs” tab above.  As soon as we have more specifics, those pages will be updated.

We have tried to anticipate questions our supporters, new and old, might be asking.  If you have further questions, please contact us at  We will try to answer them directly and add them here.

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