CJRA sponsorship update

We have received some questions regarding the status of the student sponsorship program at College Jean Rigaud Antoine (CJRA).  Specifically, people want to know where the money is going while the school is closed.

First, we are working very hard to reopen the school.  It has been declared safe by Haitian authorities, but we have some minor repairs to make.  We must also await the permission of the government to reopen.  We are hoping that will happen very soon, since resuming school will help return a sense of normalcy to the students’ lives.

In the meantime, however, we still have expenses pertaining to the education of the students.  First, the teachers are on contract and must be paid according to Haitian law.  Second, we are still feeding children at the school with the funds we are collecting.

It will be a long time before we know which children will return to school.  Some have gone to live in the countryside.  Some may have been killed in the earthquake.  We may never know the fate of some.  Once the school opens, we will assess the situation on a person-by-person basis and communicate directly with the sponsors.

We appreciate your patience and continued support as we deal with the aftermath of this horrific tragedy.

Children being fed hot lunch at CJRA school.

Children being fed hot lunch at CJRA school.

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